John greater than all the prophets

December 16, Thursday of the Third Week of Advent
Daily Readings: Isaiah 54:1-10 & Luke 7:24-30
As a newly ordained priest, I was appointed an associate pastor to the Cathedral parish of Pathein diocese. Being a new priest, without knowing anyone, it was challenging to pay a pastoral visit to the parishioners living in the remote area. For this reason, a catechist was the one who introduced me to the faithful Catholic living among non-Catholics in the village.
Due to the introduction of the catechist, the parishioners in the villages came to know that I was an assistant priest in their parish. Unless the catechist did introduce me to the faithful, they would not know me as a priest. Likewise, according to the Gospel, John the Baptist was a herald of Jesus. John made Jesus known to other people. Therefore, John was greater than all the prophets. He was sent ahead of Jesus to introduce a messiah to the people who received baptism from him. John prepared a way for Jesus so that his people might be involved in the salvation of God.
Jesus claimed that "among those born of women, no one is greater than John." John the Baptist fulfilled his duty of preparing the way for Jesus. We, the baptized followers of Jesus, have a duty like John to bring people to God, not to take them away from Him. How can we make Jesus known to other people? We can preach about Jesus by our good examples. As John was a greater prophet by bringing people to God, we too can be great followers of Jesus by introducing Jesus to other people.
Let us reflect on the life of John the Baptist today and ask yourself, "Am I, like John, bringing people to God or making them away from God by your good or bad examples?"
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