The Job Description of Leadership in the Church!

February 22, Thursday of the First Week in Lent
Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, Apostle
Daily Readings: 1 Peter 5:1-4, Matthew 16:13–19
We are celebrating Peter's leadership of the Church today: “You are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18). He says that he is an elder. He qualifies himself to be a leader on two accounts: (i) He is a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and (ii) he shares in the glory revealed by him. With this authority, he exhorts the other leaders in the community “to tend the flock of God” willingly and without compulsion. One shouldn't work for sordid gain, but rather with an eagerness to serve the Lord and His people. He insists on exemplary leadership without lording it over the people.
If Jesus Christ is the chief shepherd, the leaders in the Church are to be shepherds in the mold of Jesus Christ. St. Peter promotes shepherd leadership in the Church. The Responsorial Psalm describes what a shepherd should be. He identifies the flock's needs and leads them from the front. It is not only about working the whole day; it is also about resting to refresh one’s soul. The Lord’s presence gives us courage, and we need not be afraid of the dark valley of suffering in our lives.
What happened in Caesarea Philippi on that day, when Jesus inquired as to who he was, has become one of the defining moments in the lives of the disciples and their commitment to Jesus. Peter, as the disciples' spokesperson, has the grace to identify Jesus and respond to him correctly. Our vocation is to identify Jesus and present him to the world. Petrine leadership is about service—not authority, but service.
One of Peter's first ministries, as well as that of all those who succeeded him, was to liberate people by offering forgiveness. Unless and until the Spirit of God works in Peter, he won’t be able to carry out his ministry. We must have the same Spirit of God leading us if we are to follow in the footsteps of St. Peter, the first Pope.
Call to Action for Catholic Living: Recognizing God's gracious presence and all the wonders that He does in our lives strengthens and motivates us. Are we ready to recognize and appreciate something good in our leaders?
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