Jesus, the Light that enlightens the nations

February 02, Thursday, 4th Week in Ordinary Time
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Malachi 3:1-4, Hebrew 2:14-18; Luke 2:22-32
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple of Jerusalem. Forty days after having celebrated, with joy, the feast of his birth, we are going to let ourselves be enlightened by the Word of God on this holy day.
The readings remind us that Lord will come in to take possession of the temple of Jerusalem and will fulfill the hopes of the people of Israel. And everyone will go up to the temple to offer an acceptable sacrifice. Around the 5th century B.C., the prophet Malachi emphatically announced the day when God will destroy evil forever and will ensure the faithful a healthy life.
As we continue to the letter to the Hebrews, we read that “He had to look like his brothers in everything.”
The letter delves us into the knowledge of the human dimension of Jesus, the Savior. Like one of our own; has shared our blood and flesh and is not ashamed to call us brothers. He has assumed everything human: joy, friendship, family, simplicity, pain, limitation, anguish, longing for happiness, suffering... and death. Through Mary, Jesus has become one of us, turning human life into the most sublime act of worship to God. He looks like us, his brothers, in everything.
The gospel continues the theme of enlightenment, “My eyes have seen my savior.” while Mary and Joseph carried Jesus to the temple, Simeon, going up to the temple, welcomed the Messiah in his arms, recognizing in the Child ‘the Light that came to enlighten the nations.’ He waited patiently for that Great Day to come and go to see it. And, then, he breaks out with a song of praise to God when he sees His promises fulfilled.
Simeon, an old man, awaited the consolation of Israel, brought about by the Messiah. He was a man of hope and faith. In his relationship with God, he learned to wait. His heart remained yearning and expectant despite the passing and weight of the years. In his long life, he would have been sometimes hurt, and disappointed; however, he did not lose hope. He waited with faith in God's timing. He did not allow himself to be dominated by fatigue and melancholy even though this waiting can mean total pain that as a sword will pierce your own soul too. Nevertheless, Jesus become the promise of glory.
For reflection:
On this Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, how do I let God speak to me and how do I present myself to him?
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