Conversion of Sinners Converts the Intent of God!

January 21, Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Daily readings: Jonah 3:1–5, 10, 1 Corinthians 7:29–31, Mark 1:14–20
What made the reluctant and timid Jonah into an enthusiastic prophet is an intriguing question. His preaching was so effective that the people of Nineveh responded so well that within a day they managed to convert God, who sent Jonah among them.
The Book of Prophet Jonah proves beyond doubt that God persisted with him. How many people, in reality, are lucky enough to get a second chance in life? God had a special plan for Jonah. He overcame his reluctance. Once he accepted the challenge, he did his best. He covered the distance of three days within a day.
The Responsorial Psalm is a Davidic Psalm where King David lifts his soul to God, troubled by his enemies. David considered God to be his guide. That is why he asked God to show him the way and teach him His truth. David pleaded for God’s steadfast love, while he also implored that God may not remember the sins of his youth.
In the Second Reading from the First Letter to the Corinthians, Paul expected the parousia to happen in the immediate future. Therefore, he anticipated some kind of transformation in the outlook of people in life. He wished that the Christians at Corinth would take life situations with equanimity. This would mean that they would have to maintain proper perspectives in their lives.
The Gospel Reading from the Gospel according to St. Mark presents three stages of Jesus’ life here. (a) John the Baptist is arrested. His ministry comes to an end. (b) Jesus begins to preach. His core message is repentance and faith in the Good News. (c) Jesus calls the first four disciples. All are simple fishermen. Peter and Andrew are economically weak, while James and John are financially sound enough to hire a few servants. When Jesus calls them, they act positively. Jesus’ eyes are magnetic, and his words are enigmatic. They follow him as they are. They would face tests that put their motivations to the test, and they would learn many things the hard way.
The Holy Spirit will come upon them at a later stage to guide them. The important thing is that they are ready and willing to follow Jesus. Jesus and his words possess tremendous transformative power. Today, we must repent for our sins and believe in the good news. The next step is to respond to the call of Jesus if he invites us to follow him because he needs us.
Call to Action for Catholic Living: There are many Ninevehs in the world even today. Reconciliation is the need of the hour. God calls all of us to become messengers of mercy and reconciliation in our own lives and in our communities.
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