Connection between the Prodigal Son and Jonah

March 9, Wednesday, 1st Week of Lent
St. Frances of Rome, religious
Jonah 3:1-10, Luke11:29-32.
“This is an evil generation!” Jesus, referring to his opponents, calls them an "evil generation" and claims that they will be given no sign other than Jonah's. Just as Jonah was a sign for the Ninevites, the Son of Man will be for this generation (Luke 11:31).
These are Jesus' words in response to his audience, who have asked him for a sign from heaven to believe in him. Heaven is a way of designating God, whose name is unpronounceable. Its message is meant for those mature enough to understand the ways of God and to face the ways we try to lay claim to God and God’s gift of grace.
A story about God's unconditional love for all: in the first reading, we see that the prophet Jonah is a sign of God to the Ninevites because he preached conversion to them, and the Ninevites are converted due to his presence and preaching. At times, we can identify with both the younger and elder sons in St. Luke's prodigal son story, as Jonah does when he obeys his father but criticizes him for his graciousness toward repentant sinners.
Let us feel invited to reflect on whether we are not asking for spectacular signs and wonders from Jesus and remember that the Christian faith spreads above all through humble witness and humble listening to the Word of God. This is what we have at hand in the Gospel. And it should be enough for us to go to God. Especially during this season of Lent, when we can listen to God and orient our lives toward Him.
How willing am I to let God be God?
Be my light in my distress, Lord.
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