RVA Kachin-Jinghpaw Language Service has a new Co-Ordinator

Father Patrick Nawlang Zau Jat Aung took charge as the new coordinator of Radio Veritas Asia RVA Kachin-Jinghpaw Service and as the secretary of the Local Governing Board of RVA Kachin Jinghpaw, Lisu, and Rawang (LGB-RVA-KS) services.
The former coordinator Father Patrick Gawmaw Hkawng Yae of RVA Kachin-Jinghpaw Language Service, handed over the office to the new coordinator, Father Patrick Nawlang Zau Jat Aung, on January 13.
Father Khawng Yae has been the coordinator of RVA Kachin-Jinghpaw Language Service since 2020. He also served as the secretary of the Local Governing Board of RVA Kachin services of Jinghpaw, Lisu, and Rawang (LGB-RVA-KS).
The official handover ceremony occurred at 10 AM on January 13 at St. Columban, Aung Nan Radio Veritas Office, Myitkyina, Myanmar.

In the ceremony, Chancellor of Myitkyina Diocese and member of the Local Governing board (LGB) Father Joseph Gawlu Yung Wa, Bursar of Myitkyina Diocese Fr. Robert La Wawm, Director of KMSS-MYITKYINA Father Paul Kinsa Tu Awng, Director of Minor Seminary Fr. La Sam, member of LGB Sr. John Paul Galau Bawm Win, member of the LGB Mr. Paul Tu Raw, 5 Staffs from RVA Kachin-Jinghpaw Service, the former coordinator, and the new coordinator attended.
The participants thanked and prayed for the former coordinator, who served patiently and nourished with spiritual food to the audiences so that he may fulfill God’s will at the new post.

On the same occasion, RVA Kachin-Jinghpaw Service thanked and also farewelled Ms. Elizabeth Seng Lawt Lu, who has served nearly 11 years as a producer of RVA Kachin-Jinghpaw Service.
Radio Veritas Asia (RVA), a media platform of the Catholic Church, aims to share Christ. RVA started in 1969 as a continental Catholic radio station to serve Asian countries in their respective local language, thus earning the tag “the Voice of Asian Christianity.” Responding to the emerging context, RVA embraced media platforms to connect with the global Asian audience via its 21 language websites and various social media platforms.