National Social Communication Week celebrated in Eastern Diocese of Indonesia

Bishop Kornelius Sipayung, OFMCap, Chair of the Indonesian Bishops' Conference (KWI) Social Communication Commission, inaugurated the 10th National Social Communication Week (NSCW) on May 18 in Kefamenanu, Atambua Diocese.
Dozens of delegates of the Social Commission (Komsos) from all the country’s dioceses and members of the Governing Body for the KWI Komsos Commission attended the celebration.
The planting of trees in front of the Soverdi Monastery Chapel, where the NSCW inaugural ceremony occurred, by the Bishop of Atambua, Chair of the KWI Komsos, NSCW Committee Chairman, Father Ino Nahak Berek, Executive Secretary of the KWI Komsos Commission, Father Steven Lalu, Deputy Regent of North Central Timor, Eusebius Binsasi, and Rector of the Soverdi, Father Salvaor Towary, marked the beginning of the 2023 NSCW.
"We communicate not only with humans and, most importantly, with God but also with the universe," said Bishop Sipayaung while planting Bougenville trees. "With the universe, we commemorate this communication by planting trees that will provide oxygen for us and the world."
On the first day of the NSCW activity, hundreds of students from various Kefamenanu campuses attended digital literacy seminars.
Bishop Dominic Saku of Atambua, Dr. Rosarita Niken Widiastuti, M.Sc., a representative of the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information, and Richardus Eko Indrajit, rector of Pradita University, were present as speakers at this event. Both are Komsos KWI governing body members.
From the 17th to the 22nd of May, NSCW hosted various events, including two days of training on digital preaching for high school and pastoral college students.
The culmination of NSCW activities will be commemorated with a Eucharistic celebration at St. Anthony of Padua Church, Sasi Parish, Kefamenanu, followed by the delegate's interpretation of Pope Francis' message for the 57th World Social Communication Day, Speaking with the Heart, "the Truth in Love."
Father Ino Nahak Berek, chairman of the NSCW 2023 Committee, stated that besides the activities mentioned above, there were meetings with the Catholic women of the Atambua Diocese, a conference of the religious in the diocese, and a dialogue with the Chairmen of the National Social Commission for the East Nusa Tenggara region.
Father Steven Lalu, executive secretary of Komsos KWI, stated, "We are attempting to hold NSCW online and offline so that friends in various locations can also share in this joy."
As previously reported, the diocese of Atambua in the province of East Nusa Tenggara will host the National World Communication Day (NWCD) with numerous competitions, seminars, mentoring, and digital and aural catechism training for Social Commission activists.- With input from Mirifica

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