Lenten spiritual pilgrimage held for persons with disabilities in Bangladesh

The social action arm of the Catholic Church in Bangladesh and the Rajshahi diocese jointly organized a pilgrimage for disabled people at Cathedral Church from April 1 to 2.
The theme of this Lenten pilgrimage was “Rejoice in the Lord, and there is no fear.”
A two-day program was organized with 100 disabled people from about seven churches near Rajshahi city, west-central Bangladesh.
Several activities, including spiritual and moral formation, were held during the two-day event.
The celebration of Mass, adoration, the Way of the Cross, the re-enactment of the Washing of the Feet, and a candle-lit religious procession highlighted the gathering.
Father William Murmu, chancellor of Rajshahi diocese said, “Every disabled person is a child of God. They are cared for and helped by various beneficial friends of the Creator.”
"Let those of us with disabilities think of God’s mercy and love and rejoice in the Lord because we have no fear and the Lord is always with us," he added.
Director of Radio Jyoti, Father Sunil Daniel Rozario said, "Today, we send many greetings and congratulations to the disabled brothers and sisters. It is the responsibility of all of us who are healthy and strong to serve our disabled brothers and sisters.”
"As guardians, we should take care not to treat the physically challenged persons badly but to show affection towards them," he added.
One participant expressed her feelings by saying, “We are all disabled children, the children of God's love. God cares for us and helps us through various beneficial and well-wisher friends. We are eternally grateful to God.”
Caritas Rajshahi Region, program officer Dipok Ekka said, "We will never underestimate the importance of caring for disabled persons.”
"If they are loved and cared for, they will be able to earn their status in the family, society, church, and country. It is our moral duty to show love to them," he said.
Besides the religious activities, sharing of talents and sports competitions were held. It ended with the distribution of prizes.
Radio Veritas Asia (RVA), a media platform of the Catholic Church, aims to share Christ. RVA started in 1969 as a continental Catholic radio station to serve Asian countries in their respective local language, thus earning the tag “the Voice of Asian Christianity.” Responding to the emerging context, RVA embraced media platforms to connect with the global Asian audience via its 21 language websites and various social media platforms.