Indonesian Bishop: "The Holy Spirit is the breath of God's love for Humans"

Bishop Antonius Subianto Bunjamin, OSC, of Bandung diocese told the charismatic mentors of priests and laity at the Charismatic Seminar that the Holy Spirit is the breath of God's love for humans.
"The Holy Spirit is the sigh of God's love for us. The Father is in eternity, and in eternity He reveals Himself through the Son. The most perfect relationship between the Father and the Son is the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God is love," said Bishop Bunjamin.
The Bishop gave the message at a charismatic seminar put on by the Indonesian Catholic Charismatic Reform National Service Agency (BPN PKKI) on December 2.
On this study day, there were 119 priest moderators of Catholic Charismatic Renewal (PKK) from all over Indonesia, 1 sister, 1 brother, and 56 charismatic teams from both the national and regional levels.
The topic of the seminar was "Pneumatology."
"The knowledge of the Holy Spirit is still not much explored in the Catholic Church compared to Christology and Mariology. Pneumatology has not been studied too much," said the Bishop.
According to him, talking about the Holy Spirit often causes confusion, even among priests. He emphasized that every person who is baptized has been anointed as a child of God.
"The dignity depends on the anointing received; there is baptism, confirmation, priesthood, and episcopal," he said, adding that "through some stories, testimonies, reflections, and stories from the Scriptures
The Bishop taught the participants that the Holy Spirit is a divine person who is present in various aspects of human life and works in the history of the church or our faith life.
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Indonesian Catholic Charismatic Reform National Service Agency wants to serve and help the growth of Indonesian Catholic Charismatics.
In addition to building brotherhood and cooperation with different reform movements in the Catholic Church on a national level, they want to encourage Indonesian Catholic Charismatic participants to do the same at their level of life.
They also want to move ecumenical and dialogue efforts forward in a responsible way, based on the Bible and church traditions, and always in agreement with local church leaders. - Kasmir Nema
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