Bangladesh's Rajshahi diocese marks 'World Women's Day'

Bangladesh's Rajshahi Diocesan Commission for Laity and Christian Communities Program (CCP) celebrated World Women's Day at Christo Jyoti Pastoral Centre on March 8.
Over 100 women participants from 5 different parishes around the city of Rajshahi Diocese joined the event with the theme: Gender equality today for a sustainable future.
The event stressed the shared importance of raising awareness about gender equality, women empowerment and rights.
The chief guest and president of the event, Father Sunil Daniel Rozario, focused on is how much women's rights and participation has been achieved or benefited socially, economically, culturally and politically.
"Equality between men and women today is the sustainable future - the most important thing is what the United Nations affirms this message," said Rozario.
Father Patrick Gomes said that woman’s “value is much higher than that of a quality female pearl. In the Old Testament: the ideal woman: Hannah, Ruth, the ideal mother-in-law; Naomi is the wife or son of the ideal son."
"New Testament provides a mode of Holy family is a sustainable family. The dignity and equality of men and women are needed for a sustainable future and establishing lasting peace," said Father Patrick.
Sebastian Purification, Senior Manager, Rajshahi Co-ordination, World Vision Bangladesh said that even today, women are being deprived in many ways, their dignity is being tarnished.
"To overcome this condition of women, it is necessary to change the attitude of men towards women, create opportunities for women, give opportunities to women to participate in the decision-making process, and give importance to her dignity, " Purification said.
"These activities have to start from the family first so that the women in the family have the opportunity to develop themselves properly. The boys and girls have to be brought up with the vision of equal status, " said Sebastian Purification.
Father Bablu Corraya, the director of Christo Jyoti Pastoral Centre said, "If we look at the history of Women's Day, we see that in 1857, women workers in a New York City garment factory in the United States took to the streets to protest the 8-hour workday, the closure of child labor, and low-wage and wage inequality."
Father Bablu Corraya expressed greetings to all the women in the diocese and worldwide.
"The owners used inhumane torture to stop this movement. But despite hundreds of attempts, they could not resist this movement. Later, at an international women's conference held in Copenhagen in 1910, Clara Jetkin, a socialist women's leader, proposed that this day be celebrated as "Women's Day" around the world," said Father Corraya.
Father Corraya noted that "since March 8, 1911, this day has been celebrated as 'International Women's Day in different countries of the world with the aim of gender equality, equal participation and empowerment of women. In 1977, the United Nations declared March 8 as International Women's Day."
Father Shishir Gregory, secretary of the diocesan commission for Laity and CCP, invited participants to strive to establish the rights, dignity and equality for a sustainable future.
“Be that as it may, this is our Women's Day promise,” Gregory said.
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