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Over 600,000 gather as Pope Francis reflects on Timorese symbols of faith

Pope Francis delivered a powerful homily to over 600,000 faithful gathered at the Esplanade of Tasi Tolu in Timor-Leste, weaving together the nation’s rich cultural heritage with his message of humility, service, and divine love. 

The Pope drew upon two prominent Timorese symbols—the Kaibauk and the Belak—to inspire the crowd.

“The Kaibauk, representing the horns of a water buffalo and the light of the sun, symbolizes strength, energy, and the life-giving power of God,” Pope Francis explained. “When placed high on the forehead or on rooftops, it reminds us that with the light of the Lord’s word and the power of his grace, we too can cooperate in the sublime plan of salvation.”

Complementing this symbol, the Pope spoke of the Belak, traditionally worn on the chest, which he said embodies peace and tenderness. “The Belak recalls the gentle glow of the moon, reflecting the sun’s light at night. It speaks of peace, fertility, and the nurturing tenderness of a mother,” he added, drawing attention to the profound love that shines from God to humanity through everyday acts of care.

Pope Francis encouraged the Timorese people to embody the qualities represented by these symbols. 

“Let us not be afraid to make ourselves small before God and before each other, offering our time and service to help others grow in joy,” he urged.

The Tasi Tolu site, known for its deep historical significance, served as the venue for the Mass, reflecting both the past struggles of Timor-Leste and the resilient faith of its people. 

The immense gathering showcased the strong devotion of the East Timorese.

During the event, Cardinal Virgilio do Carmo da Silva, Archbishop of Dili, spoke on the spiritual and historical resonance of the Tasi Tolu site. 

“Today, we are graced with the Holy Father’s presence, who brings a message of peace, hope, and unity that transcends borders,” he said. Citing Psalm 133:1, he reinforced the call for unity among the faithful.

Cardinal Virgilio also addressed Timor-Leste’s youth, emphasizing their role in the future of the Church and nation. 

“You are the future of our Church and our nation. Use the lessons of faith, love, and unity to build a brighter tomorrow,” he encouraged.

As the Mass concluded, the Cardinal offered prayers for continued guidance from the Holy Spirit and thanked Pope Francis for his visit, saying, “Your presence here is a sign of God’s enduring love and mercy, which will be remembered in the hearts of our people for generations.”

This Mass in Tasitolu was one of the key highlights of Pope Francis' 12-day Apostolic Journey across Asia and Oceania, marking a significant moment for the Timorese Catholic community. 

It was an occasion of deep spiritual significance, national pride, and communal reflection.


Radio Veritas Asia (RVA), a media platform of the Catholic Church, aims to share Christ. RVA started in 1969 as a continental Catholic radio station to serve Asian countries in their respective local language, thus earning the tag “the Voice of Asian Christianity.”  Responding to the emerging context, RVA embraced media platforms to connect with the global Asian audience via its 21 language websites and various social media platforms.