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Indian: National Youth Conference discusses “The Role of Youth in the Synodal Church"

The National Youth Conference of the Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM), focused on the theme “The Role of Youth in the Synodal Church,” took place at Trinity College, Jalandhar, on October 22, 2024.

The National Youth Conference of the Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM) brought together 653 youth leaders from 132 dioceses across India to discuss the theme “The Role of Youth in the Synodal Church,” with a special focus on the virtue of hope.

The event, held at Trinity College, Jalandhar, emphasized the importance of hope, drawing inspiration from the Bible verse, “Those who hope in the Lord will run and not be weary” (Isaiah 40:31).

The conference opened on October 21 with a Holy Mass celebrated by Bishop Agnelo Gracias, Apostolic Administrator of the Jalandhar Diocese. The keynote address was delivered by Ignatius D’Souza, Chairman of the CCBI Commission for Youth and Bishop of Bareilly.

During the plenary session, Fr. Stephen Alathara, Deputy Secretary General of the CCBI, further elaborated on the conference’s theme, encouraging deeper reflection on the role of youth in shaping a synodal Church.

Participants were divided into 22 study groups, each focusing on various subtopics related to the main theme.

The study sessions were moderated by several distinguished clergies and lay leaders, including Raj Bagh, Ms. Supria Varghese, Fr. Chetan Machado, Fr Dominic Pinto, Sr. Althiya Raj, Fr Nilu Murmu, Fr Edwin Anand, Fr Amos Nazary, Sr. Lidiwn Fernandes, Fr. Vijay Machado, Fr Roshan Bamin, Fr Augustus Ekka, Fr John Minz, Fr Franklin D’Souza, Fr Cyril Pariong, Ms Shirely Coutinnho, jimmy Pdang, Sr Wansuk Lyngdoh, Mr. Sagar Gabbeta, Ms Shilpa Ekka, Fr. Joji Thambi, Percival Holt, Antony Judy, Fr Maria Anthony, Fr Lourde Raj, Fr Crispin Tamang, Alison Pereira and Saurav Praveen.

The conference, running until October 25, also featured an exhibition with stalls from CCBI’s 14 regions, showcasing the unique culture and traditions of each area.

Evenings were marked by vibrant cultural performances, highlighting the diversity of the Church across India.

Spirituality was at the heart of the event, with daily Holy Eucharist, Eucharistic Adoration, and the Holy Rosary, fostering an atmosphere of prayer and reflection.

The conference aimed to inspire a spiritual renewal among the youth leaders, empowering them to carry forward the message of hope and unity within the synodal Church. - Jessica Summon Lepcha


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