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Holy Father: Love gives life and strength

Pope Francis visits the Singapore people after the holy Mass on September 12, 2024. (Photo: The Ministry of Digital Development and Information)

On September 12, 2024, around 50,000 faithful gathered at Singapore’s National Stadium under tight security to attend a Holy Mass led by Pope Francis.

The Holy Father arrived at 4:30 PM SGT, greeting the crowd as he made his way around the stadium. The Mass, which began at 5:15 PM, was celebrated alongside Cardinals, Bishops, priests, and ministry leaders.

During the celebration, Pope Francis invited the faithful to reflect on the blessings bestowed upon the country. He urged them to pray for Singapore, thanking God for its "rich gifts, a Church that is vibrant, growing, and engaged in constructive dialogue with various other Confessions and Religions."

Nothing born without love

At the heart of his homily, Pope Francis emphasized the transformative power of love. "Without love, there is no life, no impetus, no reason to act, no strength to build,” he proclaimed.

The Holy Father underscored that love is the driving force behind all progress and human achievement, stating, “Love prevails over hate, solidarity over indifference, generosity over selfishness.”

Without this love, he explained, Singapore would not have grown into the great metropolis it is today. "Architects would not have designed it, workers would not have built it, and nothing would have been achieved," he added.

Pope Francis highlighted that in the love we share with others, we witness "a reflection of God's love." He cautioned against allowing the grandeur of human accomplishments to blind us to the true source of all good: love itself.

"Without love, we are nothing," the Pope reminded, urging the faithful to recognize their dependence on God's love in their daily lives.

A Reminder from Saint Pope John Paul II

Recalling the words of Saint Pope John Paul II, who visited Singapore in 1986, Pope Francis reinforced the message that "love is characterized by a deep respect for all people, regardless of their race, belief, or whatever makes them different from ourselves."

He encouraged the congregation to embody this love in their interactions with others, fostering unity in diversity.

Models of Faith: Mary and St. Francis Xavier

Pope Francis also pointed to two figures who embody the love at the heart of the Gospel: the Virgin Mary and St. Francis Xavier. He praised Mary as a source of hope and consolation, whose name is invoked in moments of joy and sorrow.

“In her, we see the Father’s love manifested in one of the most beautiful and fulsome ways," the Pope said, emphasizing her tender, forgiving nature as a mother who never abandons her children.

He then reflected on St. Francis Xavier, who arrived in Singapore on July 21, 1552. The Pope described him as a missionary “hungry for charity,” driven by a desire for others to share in the love of Christ.

St. Francis Xavier’s zeal for spreading the Gospel, Pope Francis said, remains a powerful example of how love can fuel the mission to serve others with all one’s heart.

In his final words, the Holy Father called upon the faithful to continue spreading love in their communities, inspired by the examples of Mary and St. Francis Xavier.

Through love, he concluded, life is given meaning, and the strength to build a better world emerges.-Kagnha Keo


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