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CBCP urges faithful to deepen commitment to creation during 2024 Season of Creation

Season of Creation 2024

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has called on the faithful to strengthen their connection with God’s creation as the Church observes this year’s Season of Creation.

The celebration encourages collective prayer, reflection, and action to address the pressing global climate crisis.

CBCP President and Kalookan Bishop Pablo Virgilio David emphasized the significance of this season not just for Catholics, but for all people of goodwill.

He highlighted the universal responsibility to care for the environment, urging everyone to join in this meaningful time of prayer and response to the “cry of creation.”

“May I remind you once again to observe our annual Christian celebration of the Season of Creation. This is an occasion for us to pray and respond together to the cry of creation, not just with fellow Catholics and fellow Christians, but with all people of goodwill,” Bishop David said in his message.

The Season of Creation is traditionally celebrated on September 1, which aligns with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation instituted by Pope Francis, and culminates on October 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron of creation.

In the Philippines, however, the Church extends the celebration until the second Sunday of October, coinciding with National Indigenous Peoples Sunday. This extension recognizes the vital role indigenous communities play in safeguarding the environment.

“Who else are in the best position to teach us about the basic interconnectedness of all creatures but our indigenous peoples,” Bishop David noted.

The theme for the 2024 Season of Creation is “To Hope and Act with Creation.” Inspired by St. Paul’s letter to the Romans, the symbol for this year’s celebration is “The First Fruits of Hope,” which reflects the anticipation of creation’s ultimate renewal.

“Let us sustain our reflection on that beautiful passage where the Holy Apostle speaks about all creation groaning in labor pains and reminds us that we ourselves are already enjoying the ‘first fruits’ of the Spirit and are therefore also groaning within ourselves as we await the fullness of God’s glory, which is about to be revealed in creation,” Bishop David added.

In line with the Season of Creation, the Archdiocese of Manila’s Ecology Ministry has planned various activities, including exhibits, parades, wellness programs, poster-making contests, workshops, and forums.

These initiatives aim to raise awareness and educate the public on practical steps to protect the environment. The celebration will culminate in a Eucharistic Celebration and a walk for creation, where participants will carry solar lamps as a symbol of the importance of embracing renewable energy.

As the world faces the challenges of environmental degradation and climate change, the CBCP’s call serves as a reminder that caring for creation is a collective mission—a mission that transcends religious boundaries and unites all people in the shared responsibility of preserving our common home.


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