Sunday Homily Jesus is Life Homily Date: June 11, 2023 "I am the living bread that came down from heaven.”
Daily Reflection Jesus is Life Reflection Date: June 11, 2023 "I am the living bread that came down from heaven.”
Daily Reflection The Amount of Love Reflection Date: June 10, 2023 A poor person can still share despite poverty.
Daily Reflection The Genuine Love Reflection Date: June 8, 2023 God knows the sincerity of hearts and the purity of minds.
Daily Reflection How Do We Approach Ourselves to God? Reflection Date: June 7, 2023 Sincerely seek God.
Daily Reflection Walking in Christ's Footsteps Reflection Date: June 5, 2023 Christ's followers must endure the cross.
Caritas Asia explores ways to collaborate with Pax Romana—International Movement of Catholic Students