India: Christians approach authorities seeking protection from misuse of Anti-conversion law

The Christians in the North Indian state of Uttarpradesh have approached the police Chief of Varanasi and the State Government seeking protection against misuse of anti-conversion laws by ‘fanatic groups of the majority religious community’ of the State.
They allege that the fanatic groups have been misusing the State’s anti-conversion law to harass and prosecute the minority community.
A group of over one hundred people who claimed themselves as devotees of Christ (Christ Bhaktas) submitted a memorandum to the police Commissioner and District Collector of Varanasi listing false cases brought up against Christians and believers in Christ who are yet to convert to Christianity.
In February 2021 the pro-Hindu party administering the State has criminalized religious conversion by means of either allurement or force or coercion in the State of Uttar Pradesh under the anti-conversion law of the State.
The law is such that acts of social help and aid by Christians are misinterpreted as conversion related.
The Christian group alleges that during the Covid pandemic there has been incidents where help to the downtrodden has been ascertained as acts of conversion and people have been booked under the State’s anti-conversion law.
A Catholic leader told media that being sincere followers of Lord Jesus Christ, they encourage assisting people in need but converting anyone is not their agenda.
The Christian leader expressing his loyalty towards the Indian Constitution added that they are peace loving people of India and even though they are persecuted they would not stop serving the poor and the protection of humanity. -Atanu Das
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